Do you have questions regarding your student's P-EBT card?  Here you will find the answers to your questions.

Family Help with P-EBT: The Oregon 211 info services are the official help line for families to contact with questions or concerns about PEBT benefits. Any items that cannot be corrected by ODHS staff will be escalated to the ODE Central Team for resolution by working with the schools. Please provide this information to your families:

Families, if you are inquiring about your student's eligibility for Pandemic EBT, or have other P-EBT questions, please use 211 info services: 

Phone: Dial 211 from anywhere in Oregon

Text: Text your zip code to 898211 (TXT211) 

Web: www.211info.org or the pebt.oregon.gov webpage for current P-EBT information.

Email: EBT.schoolmeals@dhsoha.state.or.us